Steve Sorenson

Off the Clock
Off the Clock
Steve Sorenson

Steve Sorenson is an avid bicyclist, miles upon miles have been logged by Steve through pure enjoyment alone, but recently something happened that put new meaning behind the miles Steve rides for. Steve’s son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, and Steve and his wife have partnered with the American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure to help raise funds for everyone who lives with this disease. Listen in as Steve takes Jeff and Joe on the literal ride. Please visit the Tour de Cure website to find out how to lend a hand as well!;jsessionid=00000000.app20112b?idb=146563531&df_id=23347&FR_ID=13665&mfc_pref=T&PROXY_ID=16760485&23347.donation=form1&PROXY_TYPE=20&NONCE_TOKEN=0CD55DAD9E4A77248A3F574FB2808FB2&s_subsrc=bfSocLiPfMsg&s_src=boundlessfundraising

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